Sunday, October 18, 2009

Joshi Wrestlers Are Insane

That's Kyoko Kimura basically putting her life and limbs in the hands of fate and whatever god she prays to to give fans perhaps the spot of the year. I have no idea how Kayako Haruyama survived. I have no idea how Kimura survived either. Spot of the year? Maybe, maybe not. I tend to the latter, since I don't think wrestlers should risk suicide, but Joshi wrestlers have been historically more insane than their male counterparts. The Burning Hammer, Tiger Driver '91, the Vertebreaker (Kudome Valentine) and the other head dropping moves that we associate with the puro men are often times innovated by women wrestlers. It can be both nerve-wracking but breathtaking how little regard these women have for their bodies.

But hey, if they know what they're doing...

Thanks to KoppoKick for finding this clip!