Monday, November 12, 2012

I Dunno Guys, I Think Steen Has the Tactical Advantage Here

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Oh boy! Eddie Kingston's team has been announced. Okay, 3.0 and Akuma make sense, if only because 3.0 are tecnicos who have teamed with Kingston before. The Spectral Envoy makes sense too, as they're old allies from Cibernetico 2010, even if Mantis was reluctant to having Kingston on the team then (very old spoiler alert, Kingston won the match). Let's see... Tim Donst? What the hell? Why would Kingston pick Donst when Donst has been harassing him for the better part of six months?

Well, Kingston didn't select his team. Wink Vavasseur did. Yep, ChikaraMetrics have struck again. Vavasseur either must really be delusional, or he really doesn't want Team Chikara to win this match. Either way, if Kingston and Donst get through this match without murdering each other, I will consider it a moral victory.