Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Help Bring Armchair Booking to iOS

Graphics Credit: Geoff Munn
Kickstarter for Ringmaster

One thing I've learned about human beings through my now 32 complete years of existence is that when they're truly passionate about something, they tend to want to have some modicum of control over it. Professional wrestling is one medium of entertainment where fans want to exert that control, but the business itself seems super-restrictive for entry. Games like EWR and TEW have scratched those itches over the years, and now Brian Papa is looking to bring that experience to iOS with Ringmaster. He needs help, however. To develop his app, which will allow you to play fantasy booker in a cathartic and entertaining fashion, he needs financial backing. That area is where you will come in.

He's set up several different backing options with perks, obviously. Give as much as you want or as little as you can afford to help get this interesting and fun concept off the ground. You'll be supporting a cool app with original illustrations. Nothing not to love about that.