Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Your Midweek Links: The Real TV Champ

Believe... in the Monday Night RAW Champion
Photo Credit:
It's hump day, so here are some links to get you through the rest of the week:

Wrestling Links:

- Who is the Champion of Monday Night RAW? [Voices of Wrestling]

- The Best and Worst of RAW: Solange and Thanks for All the Kicks [With Leather]

- The small man's burden and the dangers of workrate [False Underdog]

- Alternate Timelines: Who should've ended The Streak? [Wrestling on Earth]

- Seven Things: Most memorable wrestling moms [Wrestling on Earth]

- The Best and Worst of Impact Wrestling: Circus Plumbeus [With Leather]

- Rey Mysterio's last stand [Voices of Wrestling]

- Vintage Best and Worst: WCW Hog Wild 1996 [With Leather]

- Naomi's "Dance All Night" is everything we expected [With Leather]

Non-Wrestling Links:

- Twerking corgi is sports [SB Nation]

- The 2014 EDSBS Bowl: Charity in the name of spite [Every Day Should Be Saturday]

- The 2014 Mock Draft Mock Draft [Bleeding Green Nation]

- The official KSK 2015 Draft board [Kissing Suzy Kolber]

- Monday Morning Jerkface: The Draft Edition [The Footbawl Blog]

- A beautiful corpse: An oral history of the fast life and quick death of the XFL [SB Nation]

- Dudes: So you wanna be good at feminism [The Powder Room]

- Katie Couric's Fed Up takes a look at the food industry, obesity tropes [Kitchenette]

- How to cook and eat whole shrimp (yes, even their heads) [The Concourse]

- The most ridiculous fried foods from America's state fairs [Kitchenette]

- No, halfwit, Donald Sterling isn't the real victim here [Deadspin]

- If Donald Sterling isn't gone, LeBron James will boycott next season [With Leather]

- Which NBA team does your town root for? [Regressing]

- Tyrion is among the least skilled players of the Game of Thrones [io9]

- Trial by combat was real and spectacular [ATL-Redline]

- The 15 best television characters of the season [Warming Glow]

- Friday night "death slot" survivors [Observation Deck]

- We may have solved the mystery of the dying bees [io9]