Monday, March 28, 2016

Your TWB Tag Team Tournament Turmoil Winners Are the Only Damn Diamonds in This Business

Photo Credit: Pro Wrestling Illustrated via

They were seeded sixth in perhaps the most unpredictable region to get out of. They topped the Young Bucks and the Road Warriors, arguably two of the greatest tag teams of all-time. And they did so with FLAIR, WOO! Even though Ric Flair was not a member of The Wrestling Blog's Tag Team Tournament Turmoil Champions, he certainly would have been there with a limo and champagne to celebrate with Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard. Yes, the Brainbusters-half of the classic Horsemen lineup has taken home the mantel of greatest tag team (at least in this certain tournament). The time has come to celebrate with a classic match vs. the Rockers from Madison Square Garden!