Wednesday, November 25, 2009

What I'm Thankful For

Thanksgiving is a scant three hours away in the Eastern time zone, and as the name of the holiday suggests, we all give thanks on this day that is also set aside for watching football (or what the Detroit Lions pass off as football) and gorging ourselves on turkey, stuffing, potatoes and pies. So, let me take this opportunity to let you know what I'm thankful for, as a wrestling blogger in the wrestling business.

- Chris Jericho logging the most TV hours on WWE programming, providing enjoyment on both flagship programs and on ECW occasionally. As a Jerichoholic, I'm proud of him and am ecstatic that they count on him, because that means I get to watch him more.

- Living in the most major hub for indie wrestling in America. ROH, Chikara, JAPW, CZW, DGUSA and EVOLVE are just a few feds that run shows regularly in the Philadelphia area, and the major venues they run out of are veritable stones' throws away.

- A roster of varied and diverse talents on WWE television. It used to be that only a handful of guys were worth watching in the 'E. Not anymore. I can count on both hands the guys who induce channel-changing when they enter the ring, something that enhances my enjoyment of all 6 hours of television they put on.

- Austin Aries, Claudio Castagnoli, Delirious, El Generico, the Young Bucks, Colt Cabana and all the other incredibly fun and talented wrestlers who make ROH TV tapings worth going to, even if the booking kinda sucks

- Bryan Danielson getting his chance to get paid the big bucks while being awesome in a WWE ring (when it happens, of course)

- The very existence of Chikara, a fed that combines awesome action with a sense of humor you won't find anywhere else

- That the WWE is taking a chance on CM Punk as a franchise player

- The massive amounts of great wrestling that can be found on DVD, On Demand or on Youtube, especially older footage, keeping the legend of the greats of the past alive and well in the hearts and minds of today's wrestling fans.

And finally, I'm thankful that wrestling exists, because without it, I'd have to find other ways to keep myself busy for hours on end.