Friday, December 4, 2009

Friday Five: Animals in Wrestling

Sorry about the space-out on the Friday Five last week, but things got real. Anyway, this week's Five is about the animals in wrestling, be they real animals or guys gimmicked like an animal:

1. On a scale of 1-10, how sad were you when Earthquake squashed Damien (Jake Roberts' snake)?

2. Do you think Tara's tarantula enhances or takes away from her overall character?

3. Who is your favorite among all Chikara's insectoid or animalian wrestlers? (UltraMantis Black, the Colony, Ophidian, Moscow the Communist Bovine, Lince Dorado and if we're counting guests/one shots, CP Munk, Colt Cabunny, Yellow Dog, Chiva IV etc.?)

4. Is there any way that the Kennel in a Cell match could have worked if Russo wasn't attached to it?

5. Is the next step for animal-styled wrestlers going to be a human lizard?