Monday, January 11, 2010

Danielson to FCW; Possible Teaming with Bourne in the Future

DanielsonIt's been in the news that Bryan Danielson was sent to Florida Championship Wrestling, the WWE's developmental territory, after saying he wanted to work the ring rust off after his dark match against Chavo Guerrero 1/4. That's only partially true. A little birdie close to AmDrag has told me that Danielson is there to work on a dry run as a tag team with Evan Bourne.

It seems that them teasing DX's breakup has some meat behind it, and that Trips and HBK are going to be going back to singles programs sooner rather than later (maybe against each other?), which would leave RAW without a face tag team. Danielson and Bourne would fit that bill, with Bourne working as the high-flying aerial member and Danielson as the technician.

In another note, apparently, Danielson has won over a lot of fans in the RAW locker room for his dark match. Not only did Chavo rave about him on Twitter, but other guys took notice, both of his ability and the reaction he got. It should be noted that the match took place in Dayton, which is ROH's Ohio stronghold. Hopefully, when they do debut Danielson, it'll be somewhere where he's well-known in the indies, either on the East Coast with ROH (NY, Boston, Philly) or out in LA where the PWG crowd will know and appreciate who he is.