Thursday, October 28, 2010

Follow Up on the Lesnar/Taker "Confrontation", Via the Observer

About as close as you're going to get to Taker/Lesnar
Photo Credit: AOL MMA Fanhouse/Ariel Helwani

Dave Meltzer had a more fleshed-out account of what happened at last Saturday's UFC event where Undertaker and Brock Lesnar seemed to have a confrontation after Lesnar's KO loss to Cain Velasquez. Apparently, this was not something offered up on the fly, and at least Taker and Lesnar planned on it happening. The timing was pretty key though, as they didn't really plan for it to be on professionally shot videotape. Ariel Helwani was just at the right place at the right time with his interview of Taker post-event.

Also, as I had suspected, there was no way that Dana White was going to let Lesnar do any kind of fighting, worked or shoot, outside the umbrella of UFC. I can't blame him since Lesnar, despite the loss, is his biggest heavyweight draw, but this would put the kibosh on any talk of Lesnar returning to the WWE even for one night (which is all he would come back for... a huge reason why he left WWE was that he hated the travel schedule). However, if the price was right, he would appear as a referee for a potential WrestleMania match with Taker facing off against Kane or RED BELLY Wade Barrett. Both are obvious choices given recent history.

However, all the Internet chatter about Lesnar returning to WWE in a worker role is just that, chatter. Lesnar is not coming back to WWE in any capacity for the time being outside of a one-off non-wrestling spot for a big payday. If he ever did come back, it would probably be after his MMA marketability has died (which could be a decade since even Ken Shamrock still gets work with rinky-dink foreign companies that can promise a PPV payday), and he'd probably get a schedules that would make the one Taker is on now and the one Shawn Michaels was on before his retirement look strenuous.

News source: The Wrestling Observer Newsletter

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