Tuesday, November 9, 2010

TNA Got a New World Title Belt

Good morning, wrestling fans. I know I pick on TNA a lot here, but they deserve it. Case in point:

It's as if the Pretty Butterfly Belt and the WWE Unified Tag Pennies had a bastard child

That's their new World Championship belt. I had no problem with the last one, but apparently they did. I dunno, maybe it did look too much like the classic Big Gold Belt/current WWE World Championship for some people's tastes, but that's a far better belt to emulate than the current Pretty Butterfly Belt. No, scratch that, that looks more like a belt-version of Beth Phoenix's tiara. It's almost like TNA is intentionally parodying a wrestling company and wants us all to go MST3K on them. Speaking of which...

Yeah, that's the stuff

Thanks to TWB superfan KoppoKick for finding the TNA Title pic

Thanks to A1 poster and world-class Internet troll Brian "bryce" Kelly for finding the Dixie/MST3K pic

Remember you can contact TH and ask him questions about wrestling, life or anything else. Please refer to this post for contact information. He always takes questions!