Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Wrestling Six Packs: Best Internet Wrestling Discussion Outlets

Aww yeah
Wrestling is fun to watch but it can be even more fun to discuss. The Internet is not only a great place to watch porn, but it's also awesome for finding avenues for discussion when you want to talk about something. Sure, there are trolls, marks, assholes and spammers, but hey, nowhere is perfect. Here are six of the best places to talk wrestling on the 'Net

1. Twitter

Is this a cop-out? Maybe it is, but I think it's the best place to discuss wrestling, especially if you follow the right people. You have guys like Jason Mann driving discussion, guys who used to be in the biz who blog like Scott Bowden, wrestlers who interact with fans like Sugar Dunkerton and just a wide assortment of fans, marks, smarks and guys in the business discussing storylines, matches, promos and really everything involved in the business. I love Twitter, or else I wouldn't be on it.

2. A1-Wrestling

This is the best pure message board for my money on the Net. It is a bit insular because we have a very tenured community, but if you don't take yourself too seriously and can take some ribbing, you'll do fine. There's a lot of great wrestling discussion there, but there's also MMA, comic books, sports and even politics for the bold.

3. FWrestling

This isn't really wrestling so much as it's fantasy wrestling, or e-fedding if you weeeell. Yeah, nothing dorkier than pretending to be a guy who pretends to fight, but I LIKE IT. If you do too, then hit up FW. It may not be the most active community, but the feds there that are open are the goods, especially Empire Pro Wrestling, where you can find me handling Michael Bastard.

4. Chikara101

This is the place to go if you want to talk everything Chikara. I picked this over ChikaraFans because it seems less cynical towards the fed, plus you get a better chance of someone from the fed actually posting there. Plus, Leonard F. Chikarason posts the latest fed news every day, so it's got that.

5. DVDVR Message Board

This is the board you want to post at if you like talking hardcore workrate, puroresu, lucha libre and everything in-ring. I don't post here, although I probably should, but I've heard it's pretty intense. If you want to immerse yourself in discussions of matches like whoa, post here.

6. Gabe Sapolsky's Facebook Page

This might be dicey since Sapolsky might be approaching his 5000 friend limit, but it's worth the add if you can. He shills a lot for his feds, but he also posts a Daily Discussion, which usually leads to a lot of good debates on the state of wrestling today, especially indie wrestling. Like his booking or not, he has a pretty interesting Facebook page that's conducive to discussion. Thumbs up.

Remember you can contact TH and ask him questions about wrestling, life or anything else. Please refer to this post for contact information. He always takes questions!