Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Time to Throw Gasoline on the Fire of Sting/Undertaker Rumors

Is the Icon coming to WWE?
Photo Credit:
Yesterday, I posted that fan-made Sting/Undertaker WrestleMania hype poster, thinking it was someone's wishful thinking about a match that has been long-desired among certain corners of the Internet. Right after posting it, well, I started to get some tips and hear some things that have convinced some people that it's a real possibility, and quite frankly, it's starting to make me have my doubts as to whether Sting's resolve to resist working for Vince McMahon could ever be broken.

First off, here's the 2 21 11 hype video they showed on RAW Monday:

For those who really don't have the active imagination that we Internet fans do or those who just don't know anyone else who'd wear a trenchcoat to the ring, that's a dead giveaway for the Undertaker. It's also been rumored that it could be Seth Rollins (Tyler Black) in his rumored "Red Dead Redemption" gimmick, but the thing with that is that I'm not sure they'd debut someone with that much hype so close to WrestleMania. But anyway, to add even more credence to that conclusion, apparently, the venue for RAW that night is advertising the return of Taker. Case closed, right? Well, not so fast, my friend.

You see, the WWE rarely ever tips its hat for surprises in house show advertisements. Selling a Taker return sells tickets, but it's not a lock that the WWE is being THAT obvious with the tie-in. They're intentionally being mysterious with this promo spot; in a business where there's still a carny spirit of keeping things secret and working everyone, do you really think they'd blatantly spoil something that secretive looking? Secondly, there are some similarities between that video and the following:

The old-style ruined building, rain and lightning, trenchcoat. Yeah, they could be intentional misdirections or they could be unintentional similarities. However, these can't be ignored, at least for the time being.

The third thing, and the thing that could be the most important thing to remember out of all, is that someone is actually reporting that Sting has already signed a one-year deal with WWE. That source is not Dave Meltzer, Bryan Alvarez, Dave Scherer, Wade Keller or even Jason Powell. It's a pro wrestling columnist for the New York Daily News who calls himself "King Jordan". I couldn't find anything on the NYDN site, but according to the Camel Clutch Blog, it's all there in the newsprint.

Now, wrestling journalism is spotty at best, so we should be lauding this as proof positive, right? I mean, it's in a reputable news source! Yeah, well, there's still room for skepticism as traditional journalism isn't exactly bulletproof either. King Jordan could be making it up. It wouldn't be the first time a newspaper printed misinformation or lies. Hell, the fucking Spanish-American War was based off William Randolph Hearst libeling the Spanish government on a daily basis. However, the fact that it was printed in a newspaper makes this possibility too tantalizing to ignore.

So yeah, maybe this series of vignettes really does point to Sting finally making his WWE debut after years and years of resistance. While I still don't see the mystique of Sting as Taker's opponent over, say, Sting/Cena, Sting/Trips or Sting/any other tenured WWE wrestler, it would definitely be a better WrestleMania match than seeing Wade Barrett get offered up to slaughter, or even worse, seeing Kane get sacrificed again or even seeing the Brothers of Destruction illogically reunite months after one brother kayfabe-killed the other one. I offer my retraction of the "not gonna happen" tag from yesterday and am now officially intrigued to see whether or not Sting is the payoff for those 2 21 11 vignettes.

Remember you can contact TH and ask him questions about wrestling, life or anything else. Please refer to this post for contact information. He always takes questions!