Monday, April 4, 2011

CM Punk Is Your God Now

He makes grinding your opponent look like such fun!
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Okay, so WrestleMania wasn't a complete dud last night. Disappointing, yes, but there were a few standout performances. I think the singular best one goes to CM Punk though. Why? Well, he turned a match with a guy who didn't know how to play a gimp into one of the best of the night just by his own sheer awesomeness.

There was so much praise heaped on that match last night, yet I thought Orton kinda sucked for most of it. The match was based around his leg being so fucked up that he could barely move on it, right? Yeah, well half the match, he conveniently forgot about that, running around like nothing was wrong. Oh yeah, there were spots when his selling was on point, like when he flubbed the Punt. That was good, but when you run around like you're just fine, especially after Punk worked over the knee, you kinda waste the good will you just earned. Yeah, the RKO finish spot was snazzy too, but I think when you consider it, Orton, whom I think can be a good worker, turned in one of the worst major WrestleMania performances that I can remember in a high-profile good match.

That's what I think makes Punk's performance stand out. The guy went out there and was able to convince a bunch of people, myself included, that what we saw was a good match when in reality, it was a good performance masking a spotty-at-best one. I don't like to make hyperbolic statements, but at the same time, I don't think I'd be that off by saying last night is a top three carry job in WM history, along with Savage/Warrior from WM VII and Rock/Hogan from X-8.

Punk did everything right. He worked the knee expertly. That ringpost figure four was awesome if just for the nostalgia. He taunted the wounded Orton like he had the match in the bag. A lot of guys in WWE, TNA and ROH could learn a thing or two from the way Punk works the crowd through taunting them and his opponent. His counters were on point. I mean countering the RKO with a high roundhouse kick to the face? BRILLIANT. Finally, Punk's facial expressions were delightful and added so much to the match. I point to the Anaconda Vise, where Punk looked like he was a serial killer strangling the life out of Orton. I mean, if I had to think of a sporting equivalent to the performance that Punk put out in this match, it would have to be Roy Halladay's playoff no-hitter. On the biggest stage of them all, he went out and was nearly untouchable during the match.

CM Punk went out there and proved that he was a franchise player for WWE, a main event talent that GETS how being in a main event-level match works. He didn't win, but who cares? The ride is what was special. If he didn't prove to the bookers that he deserves to stay in the main event and continue to be a guy who has one of the best matches on the card while putting both himself and his opponent over like a million bucks apiece, then they're the ones with the problem, not Punk.

Remember you can contact TH and ask him questions about wrestling, life or anything else. Please refer to this post for contact information. He always takes questions!