Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Amasis Update and Tribute

Via their Facebook page

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The Funky Pharaoh in one of his final appearances
A week or so after Sugar Dunkerton's Tweets intimating that Amasis had to retire, the official Osirian Portal Facebook page confirmed that Amasis has to retire due to severe injuries suffered in a car accident in early May. The accident did considerable damage to his neck and spine, which are definite trouble areas when it comes to being a pro wrestler, especially in the indies.

While this is terrible and sad news, there is a glimmer of hope here. Amasis' injuries weren't severe enough to impact his quality of life. He'll be able to live like a normal human being, and that is great news to me. He can do other things than wrestle. We still have an entire roster of Chikara faithful who can perform for us. Considering the circumstances, Amasis being able to live without being confined to a wheelchair or the like is the best thing you could possibly hear out of this.

That isn't to say that I won't miss the guy. Portal matches won't be the same without him dancing in the ring, goading opponents into dance-offs or his unique Egyptian time-traveler style melded with lucha libre and puroresu. He's also one of the dudes I always bump into during intermission at Chikara shows, and on every occasion, he couldn't have been a nicer guy. Very fan-friendly, very talkative too. It sucks that the business is losing a guy like him, even if I do think that the industry is filled with affable, fan-friendly wrestlers for the most part.

Good luck and godspeed, Amasis. Get well, and thanks for an awesome career, as truncated as it was.

Photo Credit: Scott Finkelstein - Please visit his site to view the plentiful amounts of pictures he's taken for DGUSA, ROH and other indie feds: Get Lost Photography

Remember you can contact TH and ask him questions about wrestling, life or anything else. Please refer to this post for contact information. He always takes questions!