Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Your Midweek Links: Don't Rush Punk, Yo

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It's hump day, so here are some links to help get you through the rest of the week!


- The Wrestling Podcast with my buddy Tom Kingsmill! If you can get by the audio problems, it's a rollicking good listen. [Episode 12: I Am Not a Fashion Nugget]

- My Camel Clutch Blog piece this week, on why Cena vs. Rock should be sans title [John Cena vs. The Rock, No WWE Championship Required]

- My Fair to Flair piece, or what if we look at Money in the Bank as a resolution? [CM Punk's Happy Ending]

Wrestling Links:

- Everything's amazing and no one's happy... the story of the Internet Wrestling Community [Hitting the Mark]

- More on fans bitching about the angle being "rushed" [Fair to Flair]

- Even more discussion about Punk being "rushed", and in the interest of fairness, the verdict is that maybe it was too soon [South Atlanta Wrestling]

- Razor's RAW live blog [Kick-Out!! Wrestling]

- The Best and Worst of RAW for this week [With Leather]

- CM Punk can thank Shawn Michaels for being in his corner and helping him overcome Vince McMahon's bias against anyone he didn't create [I Want Wrestling]

- CM Punk and Chuck Tayler: Kindred Spirits [PizzaBodySlam]

- Bill Simmons' controversial picks for best theme music ever [Grantland]

- Madison Rayne has thin skin [Camel Clutch Blog]

- Maryse has a stalker. I'd make a joke about it being Brandon Stroud, but this seems pretty serious, in all actuality. [Diva Dirt]

- Trey Irby FJMing Observer Radio. God bless him for this, because transcribing the audio is a lot harder than just bolding stupid printed word. [Wrestling Theory]

- The Young Bucks respond to RVD talking shit about them. In other news, RVD talking shit about any wrestler should be a war crime. Dude sucks. [Cageside Seats]

- 10 questions with SHIMMER head honcho Dave Prazak [Dirty Dirty Sheets]

- The EVOLVE Interview [Wrestlegasm]

- The Best of Tyler Black DVD review [The Harrison Analysis]

- Rocky confirms he'll be at Survivor Series. I don't care what you say, I'm psyched. [Camel Clutch Blog]

- Another Rey Mysterio defender [Grapple Kingdom]

- I just ruined Barry Windham for you forever. [PizzaBodySlam Tumblr]

- Macho Man and ComiCon [Kentucky Fried Rasslin]

- K Sawyer Paul toots his own horn about predictions [Footnotes of Wrestling]

- The Miz is your #1 in the PWI 500 for last year [PWI]

- Things Cameron Riley missed over the weekend [Musings of a Mark]

Jamie Dobson Interviews:

- Overview on QWEST Wrestling

Non-Wrestling Links:

- Best use of the periodic table ever [Buzz Feed]

- Dan Snyder fires official team blogger. Par for the course! [Mr. Irrelevant]

- No more lockout! Drew Magary doles out some FUCK YOUs in honor of said occasion. [Deadspin]

- Best.Facebook.Status.Ever [The Imgur Gallery]


- Precious, based off the Novel Push by JRR Tolkien [Videogum]

- Plugin tracks Facebook time. [Mashable]

- 13 Things You Didn't Know about Saved by the Bell [Unreality Mag]

- In defense of black humor, re: Amy Winehouse's death [Camel Clutch Blog]

- How to get your parents to buy you a video game if you're a girl [Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal]

- House of PUNTE featuring Chris Kluwe of the Vikings. Yes, he's their punter. Yes, he's being interviewed by Monday Morning Punter of KSK. HOW'S THAT FOR META, BITCHES? (It's also really good) [House of PUNTE]

- Vince Mancini of Film Drunk was at ComiCon. Here's day 2 of his photo diary, including more Slave Leia cosplayers than you can shake a stick at [Film Drunk]

- ComiCon toy roundup! [Topless Robot]

- ComiCon Corgi Friday Cosplay! [Warming Glow]

- Zoo with Roy realigns the American League [I Want to Go to the Zoo with Roy Halladay]

- Review of Captain America: The First Avenger [Blast-o-Rama]

- The Summer 2011 State of the Web Address [The Oatmeal]

- 6 diseases that have become trendy, or why anyone who doesn't have celiac disease and demands gluten-free foods should be punched in the face [Cracked]

- Captain Canuck's getting his own film... uh, who? [Gamma Squad]

- Heisman promotional mailers! [Every Day Should Be Saturday]

- Matt Ufford's best mailbag in ages, and those are his words, not mine! [Kissing Suzy Kolber]

- Isaiah Mustafa vs. Fabio... in what, I'm not exactly sure. [Uproxx]

- NFL players thank the fans for enduring the lockout. Imagine how much longer and even more impassioned this video would have been if they had actually missed a game [Hugging Harold Reynolds]

- Even if Terrelle Pryor didn't leave school, he wasn't playing for Ohio State next year, it turns out [Dr. Saturday]

- 5 baseball trades that should happen [The Smoking Section]

- Ranking the best right wingers in the NHL for next season. That's a forward position, not a ranking of the top conservatives on Twitter in hockey. [Puck Daddy]

- Jay Cutler and Kristin Cavallari broke up. *sad* [With Leather]