Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Wrestling Six Packs: Last Minute Wrestling Gifts

Christmas is less than a week away, while Hanukkah has started tonight (chag sameach to all my Jewish readers, by the by). There are those who have all their shopping done, but many among us are procrastinators like whoa. Last minute shoppers need gift ideas too though. The ultimate wrestling-related gift would be a trip to WrestleMania, obviously, but let's face it; that takes a lot more than a week to get together, and me suggesting that would be akin to those fucking out of touch Lexus ads on TV, so that's out of the question. Other things like ordering indie DVDs or the like are out of the question too, and I'm imagining that if someone's shopping at the last minute, they're not exactly doing it with a full budget. Therefore, here are some quick, last minute wrestling related gifts that should please.

1. Chikarmy Membership ($58.45 at the Chikara store)

This is obviously the most expensive gift on here, but it's also the most valuable for those who go to Chikara events. It's admittedly a niche gift, but at the same time, people reading this blog are more likely to know someone who likes Chikara than the general populace. There are a poop-ton of perks that go along with the fan club membership, and unlike DVDs or tickets, one doesn't necessarily need the hardware for proof of purchase without seeming chinsey or last minute. Score!

Great last minute gift!
Photo Credit: WWEShop.com
2. Money in the Bank on DVD (average price $11.99 in stock at local retail)

Everyone wants to relive the event of the year, especially now that this whole Nash/Triple H-meddling-in-Punk's-affairs business seems to be over and WWE has uninterrupted the logical procession from the moment at SummerSlam right before Big Lazy stuck Punk. Of course, a lot of the fruits of that night have been born, especially Daniel Bryan winning the World Heavyweight Championship off his briefcase. (Spoiler alert for everyone who didn't watch the PPV and somehow ignored RAW from last night: Daniel Bryan is World Heavyweight Champion). I still get goosebumps even thinking about it, so viewing it will still be a rush five months later. Great stocking stuffer.

3. WWE All-Stars (in stock as low as $17 for console games)

All the hype has been put behind WWE '12 right now, and for good reason. It's the next big thing in terms of WWE simulation gaming. That being said, it's getting middling reviews and is still pretty expensive. All-Stars got middling reviews too, but it's cheap as shit, and it's also totally not a simulation game. Even if it's "bad", it still has that kitschy, fun value that WrestleMania: The Arcade Game had, only for a new era and with a way bigger roster. Also, John E. Capcom of We Talk Games talked it up pretty good too, and he's a pretty keen source on this kind of thing. Can't beat it for $17.

4. Chikara Colortunes App ($0.99 for iOS devices)

Again, I'm not sure how feasible giving an app for Christmas/Hanukkah/whatever is, but for 99 cents, it's worth a shot. I don't even think the recipient needs to be a Chikara fan to enjoy this, since it's pretty much a silly coloring app, a fun time-waster for people with smartphones that seem to want to do nothing but waste time.

5. WWE three-in-one comfy wrap ($24.29 at K-Mart)

One of the uses of this is as a Snuggie. A motherfucking wrestling Snuggie. I'm sold. I mean, what better to watch RAW with during the winter than having the WWE's finest accompany you. I mean, if one is going to wear one, why not make it as absurd as possible? IT also has other uses, like as a sleeping bag, but c'mon, no one is using this as anything else but a Snuggie. And that's the way it should be.

6. Dollar store luchadors (for a buck at the local dollar or less establishment)

My wife gets me one of these every year as a gag, and invariably, it's one of my favorite gifts. Something about hard cheap plastic in the shape of an incongruously gimmicked Mexican masked wrestler with some form of random wrestling plunder is just strangely endearing. Of course, people shouldn't be buying this as the only gift for a close relative, but as an add-on, a gag or even an ironic gift for a friend of a friend or a slight acquaintance, it totally works.