Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Your Midweek Links: Remembering JoePa, for Better or Worse

A polarizing figure in death
It's hump day, so here are some links to get you through the rest of the week:


- Two episodes of the podcast this week! Episode 37 has Alyssa Kay on to talk about AIW's Girls' Night Out 5... [Episode 37: Yoshi Tatsu Battles the Pink Robots]

- ...and Episode 38 sees Jason Mann FINALLY return to the show to talk about the Royal Rumble and Joe Paterno. [Episode 38: Axis: Bold as Brother Love]

- My Camel Clutch Blog piece on why WWE should definitely keep marketing to the PG audience [WWE Is Right to Aim for the Kids Market]

- My latest for Cageside Seats, where I argued ROH should return to having a million challengers for its World Championship [The Indie Corner: A Variety of Challengers to the Ring of Honor Championship]

- Speaking of ROH, they came back to Philly Friday, and it was awesome [We Missed This: ROH Homecoming 2012 Review]

- My wife and I went to Bonefish Grill, and here's how it went. Spoiler alert, you should probably go because it's good. [Holzerman Hungers]

Wrestling Links:

- Seriously, if you're not reading Mitch's Thursday RAW Thursday, then what the hell is wrong with you? [Fair to Flair]

- Linked it yesterday, but it's worth linking again: a dream match scenario between Kana and Hailey Hatred [Dirty Dirty Sheets]

- WSU and NCW:ff are teaming up for a talent exchange [Ring Belles]

- An alternate universe where Rey Mysterio came up in the mid-aughts instead of the mid-'90s [The Majesty of Wrestling]

- Jason Mann and Joe Drilling review the main event to the final Starrcade ever. [Wrestlespective Radio]

- Lawler vs. Ali, the match that never happened but should've [Kentucky Fried 'Rasslin]

- The Boss Lady gives out the Report from the Fort Award to Best Villain to only the bestest villain in the whole wide world, your friend and mine, Johnny Ace! [Wrestlegasm]

Non-Wrestling Links:

- Why SOPA getting derailed was a good thing, replete with pictures of Kelly Brook in sexy clothing [With Leather]

- It's the Puppy Bowl starting lineups! [Animal Planet]

- Josh Zerkle examines whether defense really wins Championships anymore [The Go Route]

- Bill Barnwell examines who the real goats Championship Sunday were [Grantland]

- Oddly enough, Philadelphia isn't all that angry about the Eagles not making the playoffs. [The Classical]

- A humorous look at the culinary offerings of this year's Super Bowl host, Indianapolis! [SB Nation]

- Crystal-balling the top 10 box office flops of 2012 [Pajiba]

- A Rotten Tomatoes comparison between Drive, which was snubbed for a Best Picture Oscar nomination, and Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close, which received one [Buzz Feed]

- 10 actors who hated their own films [Mental Floss]

- Surprising number of rape jokes on network sitcoms lately [Vulture]

- Taco Bell is introducing breakfast, capitalizing on the burgeoning market of stoners who are up early enough to eat breakfast. [Food Beast]

- The Whiskey-Water Trick... amazing [Buzz Feed]

- On why batting order isn't all that important [Crashburn Alley]


Here are the best of the JoePa commentaries, memorials, obituaries and et cetera.

- Spencer Hall, SB Nation

- Ashley Burns, With Leather

- Dan Levy, Wide Left

- Bethlehem Shoals, The Classical

- Michael Weinreb, Grantland

- Holly Anderson, Campus Union

- And finally, Idiots on the Internet who thought JoePa was a couch, SB Nation