Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Your Midweek Links: Stop SOPA

It's hump day, so here are some links to get you through the week.


More important than shilling my own work this week is making your voice heard against SOPA, which is a bill that would introduce governmental censorship to the Internet. It is a direct violation of the First Amendment of the Bill of Rights, because you know, Congress thinks it's so above the law it's not even funny. Do your part.

- Google has a petition you can sign electronically.

- Wikipedia has gone dark today, but they're providing contact information for all your local Congressmen so you can voice your displeasure.


- Burnsy was on the latest edition of The Wrestling Podcast. We talk about wrestling nostalgia, what has made him come back and leave wrestling over the years, his story about writing ideas into WCW, Albert Pujols, terrible movies and bonding over Coming to America [Episode 36: A Crow Sting Left of the Murder]

- I went to the final ECW Arena wrestling show ever, and thought it was good until the mutants took over and started crapping all over Johnny Gargano and Ricochet [Can We Pretend the Last 30 Minutes Didn't Happen?: EVOLVE 10 Review] BONUS: Apparently, one Lenny Leonard didn't appreciate my criticism and blamed everything on the Philly crowd shitting on everything. I don't stand for it when Eric Bischoff or Hulk Hogan blame their shitty product on the fans not liking it, so I'm damn sure not going to take it from someone in the indies taking that terrible attitude. Tweet him and let him know that maybe poor reactions should be blamed on the people in charge, not on critics. [@DragonGateLenny]

- My Fair to Flair piece for this week, on why wrestlers need to show a little ass every once in awhile, including Zack Ryder on RAW this past week. [Weakness and Necessity]

- My latest for Cageside Seats, which is now hilarious in the face of how EVOLVE 10 actually turned out [The Indie Corner: EVOLVing to an End]

- My latest for the food blog, all about fresh fruit [Fresh Fruit]

Wrestling Links:

- A look at Resistance Pro Wrestling [The Classical]

- Speaking of Resistance Pro, Greg Davis took some pictures from their first show on Black Friday [Dirty Dirty Sheets]

- A paean to one Brodus Clay [Penguin Orchestra]

- John Cena Reilly [Hitting the Mark]

- The Best PPV Matches of 2011 DVD Review [Camel Clutch Blog]

- ECW needs to be able to die [Kick Out at 2!]

- Daniel Bryan vector art! [International Object]

- Jason Mann and KSP talk about Starrcade '97, one of the best built and most disappointing wrestling main events ever [Wrestlespective Radio]

- My blogging Abrobro PizzaBodySlam makes his triumphant return with his new feature, Thursday RAW Thursday [Fair to Flair]

- The Best and Worst of RAW [With Leather]

Non-Wrestling Links:

- Worst. Tattoo. Artist. EVER. [Buzz Feed]

- Modern classics getting a vintage poster/cast makeover [UPROXX]

- Things that food commercials would have you believe are true that totally aren't. Spot fucking on on the Miller Lite ad BS [Cracked]

- The dirty D words, and I'm not talking about dick, dildo or dingleberry either. [Cogyddes]

- Want to end the foolishness surrounding Baseball Hall of Fame balloting? End secret ballots. [Baseball Nation]

- Jonah Keri breaks down why the Cincinnati Reds may be the favorites to win their second National League Central Division crown in the last three years [Grantland]

- Video games that spawned ultra-unhealthy food. [Topless Robot]

- More from TR, it's the Super Mario Bros. Crossover 2 trailer! [Topless Robot]

- Josh Zerkle makes some pretty salient points about the way fandom dominates every day life. [The Go Route]

- Most people think Juan Castillo should be a scapegoat for the Eagles season. Kulp thinks he might have been the best coach on the staff. [The 700 Level]

- It's a Tebowing pretzel! [Off the Bench]

- What if the USFL had never folded? []

- Does normal really even exist? [Imgur Gallery]

- 8 locations where you can have a quickie, including one immortalized in song [Ask Men]