Monday, February 27, 2012


Photoshop Credit: Mike Tunison

Every year at the Academy Awards, they do a montage of all the people who died in the last year. There are snubs every year, and this year was no different. Even though I'm not surprised they left him out, it's still pretty disheartening that "Macho Man" Randy Savage was snubbed. The man had acting credentials, appearing as Bonesaw McGraw in Spider-man and doing voice work for Bolt, and hey, pro wrestlers are actors who do their own goddamn stunts for 300 days out of the year. I don't wanna get into the game of "Well, they honored THIS person but not THAT one" because it's kinda shitty to say with any modicum of seriousness that someone shouldn't be remembered. Hell, I'm not even sure anyone can joke about it, as I found out last night when at least one person got butt hurt that I dared state in jest that their hipster god Steve Jobs shouldn't have gotten a mention. Because GOD FORBID ANYONE MAKE ANY KIND OF INSENSITIVE HUMOR OVER THE MAN WHO GAVE US THE IPOD AND THE IPAD AND THE IFLESHLIGHT (that last one may have been made up).

Either way, it would've been cool if Savage got a mention. Thankfully, the Twitterati and blogosphere did not forget the Macho Man. Photoshop whiz and noted dick joke football blogger Mike "Christmas Ape" Tunison gave us what should have been in the montage for our man Randy. And hey, if his fans remember him, that's a lot better than some Hollywood phonies remembering to honor him in the midst of jerking themselves off with a hand puppet and pretending it's a handjob.

And as for overall thoughts? I didn't see ANY nominated movie and only one nominated acting performance (Melissa McCarthy in Bridesmaids), but I'm happy The Artist won, if only because I think Jean Dujardin seems like a cool kinda guy, and because we got to see UGGIE! on stage. I love dogs.