Friday, February 24, 2012

WWE's Insider Term T-Shirts

Photo Credit:
Via WWE Shop

WWE has released a new line of shirts called "Kayfabe" which feature insider terms and phrases on each item's front. I have mixed feelings about these shirts. On one hand, I love that WWE has recognized that insider terminology has gotten out. The toothpaste can't be put back into the tube, so they could have done one of two things. The first would be to continue to ignore their proliferation and as a company, have a policy that any mention of them by fans in the earshot of someone within the organization be met with extreme butthurt and intense scorn. The other would be to get out in front of the trend, own the terms, make money off them and then maybe develop new terms to use on the inside while taking care not to let them leak out and be used glibly by the dirt sheet writers and supposed "insiders" of the world. They took the latter, and that's ALWAYS the correct path to take.

On the other hand, anyone notice the level of craftsmanship on those shirts? Yuck, they're sub-Jersey shore boardwalk levels of sophisticated. WWE usually does a good job with their t-shirts in terms of making them feel worth the money spent on them. I might pay $10 off the rack for a shirt like that for kitsch value, but no way I'd pay $20 PLUS shipping and handling for them. That's just a bit too much.

Either way though, it's an interesting concept for merchandise.