Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Your Midweek Links: The Masked Man Rides Again

"You're no Jesus..."
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It's hump day, so here are some links to get you through the rest of the week:


- My most viewed and downloaded podcast to date features a conversation with David Shoemaker about Daniel Bryan, dead wrestlers and Ryback, among others. [Episode 54: Jake the Snakes and Arrows]

- First of two from Cageside Seats, about how video on demand is changing the game for the indies [Fast Turnaround Is the Survival of the Indies]

- Second of two looks at the constant bickering and backbiting in the indies and how it benefits no one [Can't We All Just Get Along?]

- My Camel Clutch Blog offering lets everyone attacking Martha Hart know they should back the F off. [A Case for Martha Hart]

- A fun post I did about comparing college football coaches to pro wrestlers [Every Day Should Be Saturday Fan Posts]

Wrestling Links:

- K. Sawyer Paul on the eerie similarities between pornography and pro wrestling [International Object]

- Here's a review of the Anarchy Wrestling Prom for everyone to enjoy [Dirty Dirty Sheets]

- Shoemaker's latest, on indie wrestling coming of age on the big stage [Grantland]

- CM Punk may not have sold out, but like the band Rancid, he did change for the worse. [Cageside Seats]

- This week's Best and Worst, featuring Brandon Stroud lashing out at people calling him "too negative" for criticizing CM Punk. Newsflash, CM Punk isn't God, people. [With Leather]

Non-Wrestling Links:

- The top 10 cities with the worst traffic, and LA isn't #1? SHOCK AND HORROR [The Smoking Section]

- Michigan commit burns his Ohio State recruiting level. Never change, college football. [Your Best 11]

- For a surprising look at Game of Thrones characters out of makeup and character, look here. [Vulture]

- More evidence that Jay Leno is a piece of human slime [UPROXX]

- WE HAVE TO GO BACK! 108 reasons still to miss LOST [Pajiba]

- 10 of the best plays for those of you degenerate gamblers who like to play the season win totals [The Go Route]

- Roger Goodell's latest initiative for player safety is... bulkier thigh pad usage? [Deadspin]

- Cool Super Mario Bros. done in stop motion. It's hipster NES! [YouTube]

- 15 of the most memorable final lines in film [Flavor Wire]

- 11 factual tidbits about the NBA Lottery [The Basketball Jones]

- Why NBA coaches should not fear monetary punishment for calling out officials bad calls [Court Vision]

- Drew Magary on why food critics are the absolute worst [Gawker]

- Castro and Plichter certainly aren't the worst though, as they tackle Carluccio's Coal Fired Pizza [Doughboys]

- Big Mayo is destroying us all! [Bon Appetit]

- The five things no one tells you about college... #6 is that yes, the cafeteria does put laxative in the food to keep you regular [Cracked]