Monday, August 6, 2012

Team Ambition Is Now Wrestling's Most Wanted *Wanking Motion*

Either they've gone off the deep end with who they're afraid of pissing off, or Davey Richards, Tony Kozina and their trainee Darren Dean are trying to turn the Iowa incident into a gimmick for themselves. On one hand, I respect the gumption they show. It's clear they give an estimated zero fucks about their perception coming out of this incident. On the other, I wonder how many people are going to show up to events these guys are booked at just to boo them. I dunno, they pissed off a lot of people, and not in the "Holy shit, why'd they have to go and attack El Generico after the match!" way.

Also, @typicalROHfan said it first, but I agree. Kozina looks like the Hunchback of Notre Dame, and might I add he also sounds like Farmer Fran from The Waterboy on speed. If there was anyone in wrestling with fewer redeeming qualities than Kozina, then I have yet to meet them. Even Triple H at least is well-spoken.

Conspicuous by his absence is Kyle O'Reilly, by the by. Read into it what you will, as there are many reasons why he couldn't be there, but yeah, he's not there.