Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Your Midweek Links: Replacement Officials BOO!

Still Super, elbow chips or not
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It's hump day, so here are some links to get you through the rest of your week:


- Brandon Stroud stops by for his fifth podcast to talk mainly about King of Trios and pornography [Episode 70: King of Trios for a Day, Fool for a Lifetime]

- Latest for Camel Clutch Blog, on how King of Trios was way more satisfactory than Night of Champions and why [WWE Could Learn a Thing or Two from Chikara]

- My latest for High Phive, all about how the scab refs are ruining the NFL [The Replacement Officials Are Ruining the NFL Season]

- I went to Blue Moon Cafe, and it was the titties. [Holzerman Hungers]

Wrestling Links:

- Jerry Cusson takes down the condescending note on ROH's website regarding their botched iPPV, FJM-style! [Pro Wrestling Ponderings]

- Sugar Dunkerton on "ROH Mom's" outburst Night One of King of Trios [Sugar D's Halfcourt Lounge]

- The Best and Worst of RAW, featuring a wrestling match on Mars [With Leather]

- On struggling to like Antonio Cesaro [The Wrestling Journal]

- Will John Cena's injury finally open the door for new faces on top? [Irresistible Force vs. Immovable Object]

Non-Wrestling Links:

- Josh Zerkle makes his video essay debut for Bleacher Report bringing down fire and brimstone on Roger Goodell for his handling of the replacement referees and the lockout [The Go Route]

- Your source for Twitter outrage over the ending to the Seahawks/Packers game Monday is here! [The Footbawl Blog]

- Drew Magary wants Roger Goodell fired [Deadspin]

- Google, as sponsored by the NFL! [Replacement Google]

- Ed Hochuli may be jacked, but his strongest muscle may be his heart... sorry, I just had to do it. HAD TO. [Deadspin]

- Of course, someone is defending the NFL and the replacement officials here. HOW DARE THE REGULAR OFFICIALS WANT THE SAME PENSION PAY IN AS LAST YEAR! WANTING AN "EXTRA" 0.033% OVER WHAT THE NFL IS OFFERING IS SO GREEDY GUYS [Deadspin]

- This might not have been on the same rage level as the replacement officials, but yeah, the best take on the whole Greg Schiano-sending-his-players-to-jump-the-snap-on-a-kneeldown thing is here [The Footbawl Blog]

- Vince Young blew through wads of cash at Cheesecake Factory. In my mind, his wife would probably say to him before he got into bed "You reek of cheesecake and scotch." [SB Nation]

- Fat people aren't diseased, so why treat them as such? [Jezebel]

- Stop everything, it's deep fried nacho cheese [Dude Foods]

- 13 deliciously geeky pies [Mental Floss]

- The worst pizzeria in Philadelphia covered here [Doughboys]

- Why every team honoring Chipper Jones except the Barves, ESPECIALLY the Phillies, is ludicrous [The Good Phight - BONUS! Liz Roscher and Michael Baumann have the greatest e-mail exchange of all-time regarding how much they hate him.]

- Billie Joe Armstrong melts the fuck down at the I Heart Radio Festival [Buzz Feed]

- Did blowing into your Nintendo cartridge really make it work? [Mental Floss]

- Butt-chugging is apparently a thing. [Gawker]