Wednesday, October 24, 2012

The Big Show Is Awesome, Take 288,341

There's a popular hash tag called "#BigShowRuinsEverything" on Twitter. I get it, Big Show isn't a dude who throws a million suplexes or does a whole bunch of flippy shit. He's not CM Punk. He's not even John Cena. What he is though is 7 feet and 400 pounds of zero fucks given at all. I will go to my grave saying he's the least appreciated good wrestler of all-time. This week's evidence? He uses human douche-canoe and disgraced WWE announcer Matt Striker as a bowling ball.

The actual bowling ball action is at 3:06 thereabouts. The whole segment is rad because hey, it's Daniel Bryan and Kane doing Daniel Bryan and Kane things. But the piece de resistance is Big Show tossing Striker out like he's last week's garbage. Seriously. SERIOUSLY.