Monday, October 29, 2012

The Wrestling Blog's OFFICIAL Best in the World Rankings: October 29th

"I'm the best in the world!" "No, I'm the best in the world!"
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Welcome to a feature I like to call "Best in the World" rankings. They're not traditional power rankings per se, but they're rankings to see who is really the best in the world, a term bandied about like it's bottled water or something else really common. They're rankings decided by me, and don't you dare call them arbitrary lest I smack the taste out of your mouth. Without further ado, here's this week's list:

1. Daniel Bryan (Last week: 1) - Bryan retains his top ranking because he showed a new wrinkle to his in-ring offense AND he apologized to Kane after accidentally hitting him with his knee. Plus, Jim Ross even said he was the best. FROM HIS LIPS TO GOD'S EARS.

2. Hurricane Sandy (Last week: Not ranked) - She's pounding the East Coast as we speak. She's destroyed the Atlantic City Boardwalk, washed a shark up into Manhattan, caused all New Jersey tolls to go into suspension and inspired a million terrible jokes about Snooki or Gangnam Style or whatever. That's power!

3. The Big Show (Last week: 2) - Seriously, respect the punch.

4. Kellie Skater (Last week: Not ranked) - She's not only made of pure adamantium, but she's finally learned how to harness that power into success. Her only loss on the weekend came to SHIMMER Champion and most curmudgeonly wrestler in the world, Sweet Saraya Knight. Way to make an impact!

5. Kane (Last week: 9) - I can't front, only someone who's among the best in the world can go ham on Rhodes Scholars, Daniel Bryan AND the referee last night.

6. Juan Castillo (Last week: Not ranked) - Dude gets fired from his job as Eagles defensive coordinator because the team couldn't get sacks under him. They got a sack Sunday against the Falcons, but the rest of the strategy failed miserably. He's looking better and better with each moment, isn't he?

7. Sara del Rey (Last week: 8) - That vastly improved Divas Championship three-way with Kaitlyn doing the noggin knocker? All del Rey.

8. Michael Elgin (Last week: Not ranked) - Elgin may not have won the PWG World Championship, but he wrestled in two matches. That's great hustle!

9. Oreo Truffles (Last week: Not ranked) OFFICIAL HOLZERMAN HUNGERS SPONSORED ENTRY - Yeah, I got totally bombed at the beer exchange I went to Saturday night. I had a lot of good beer, but arguably the best thing I had in and around my mouth that night? Oreo truffles. So. Delicious.

10. Mark Henry (Last week: 10) - MARK HENRY FACT: Mark Henry once came in second place in a planet-eating contest. The winner was Galactus. There's no shame in losing to Galactus in a planet-eating contest.