Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Wade Barrett, Eve Torres and Watching Wrestlers Improve

Seriously, she's gotten a LOT better
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Wade Barrett always has had "it." Dude can talk, and that's been readily apparent ever since before NXT when he was on commentary during that Kaval/Daniel Bryan match in FCW that went viral. He's got the perfect look to be a pro wrestler. A lot of people thought he was good in the ring, but I always thought he came off as stiff and awkward. Since he's come back, he seems like he's improved by a large margin. Of course, it's easy to seem improved when you're in there with the Jack of All Hosses, Sheamus (Mark Henry is the King and don't you forget about it you ingrate), but I thought that Barrett held his own. He looked a lot less tentative, a lot more comfortable.

If RED BELLY looked improved the last few weeks, then what does that say about Eve Torres? Not too long ago, she was still a booty-popping, generic "Divas" wrestler. Then, she learned how to wrestle as a heel, and since that time, she's gotten leagues better in the ring. That has been punctuated in the last month or so when she's used her legit background in Brazilian jiu-jitsu as a base for what she can do in the ring. The difference hasn't been so much "night and day" as it has been "surface of the sun and in the closing galactic gap between the Milky Way and Andromeda."

There's something satisfying about seeing any wrestler improve before your eyes. Obviously, these are two different cases, about as different as you can get. One seems to get a lot of support because of who he is and what he might represent, while the other was discarded for everything but her, to put it lightly, "assets." Regardless, they both deserve their propers for coming along so far in such a short time and becoming part of an ever-strengthening firmament in the wrestling ability of WWE.

Both wrestlers are examples of how dynamic wrestling is and how we as fans can't really close our minds completely to people we may have dismissed over the years. People improve and decline all the time, and who knows, maybe a gal like Torres can impress the people she used to recoil in revile.

Watching a wrestler improve is one of the best things to experience as a fan. Right now, WWE is displaying two wrestlers undergoing neat transformations. Whether it's someone people are rooting for like Barrett or an unexpected case like Torres, watching someone get good is one of the most satisfying things to watch in wrestling.