Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Your Midweek Links: A Horse Mask in a Hurricane

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It's hump day, so here are some links to get you through the rest of the week:


- This week's podcast features Robert Newsome and I talking about little old ladies at Southern wrestling shows [Episode 76: Bullropin' the Wind]

- Here's my review of Hell in a Cell! [FEED ME CHARACTER]

- Here I am defending Ryback losing as part of his character's growth [Camel Clutch Blog]

- Here's my take on the whole NWA Championship situation. Hint, it involves pulling a plug. [Cageside Seats]

Wrestling Links:

- The unauthorized biography of Ryan Reeves (aka The Ryback) by David Shoemaker [Grantland]

- A discussion about Colt Cabana [Irresistible Force Vs. Immovable Object]

- The Best and Worst of Hell in a Cell [With Leather]

- And of course, the Best and Worst of RAW [With Leather]

Non-Wrestling Links:

- Bro outside jogging during Hurricane Sandy in a horse mask? OF COURSE [Warming Glow]

- Speaking of the hurricane, if you think that Sandy isn't going to be politicized, you must have been born yesterday, friend. Here's the scorecard [Gawker]

- Why "class" is the most reprehensible of the sportswriter chestnuts, by Spencer Hall [SB Nation]

- The NBA season has begun, so here are the watchability rankings for each team on League Pass [The Basketball Jones]

- Fired teacher wants her job back after getting axed for porno past [Film Drunk]

- The 12 most unnecessary pumpkin-flavored products on the market [Flavorwire]

- Which retail chains have the best employee discounts? [Buzz Feed]

- The seven craziest self-imposed video game challenges ever [Dorkly]

- The definitive collection of Venture Bros. .gifs [Gamma Squad]