Wednesday, May 22, 2013

So, About AJ Lee's New Shirt...


It used to be that wrestling t-shirts were cool back when they were iron-on, DIY shirts that said things like "I broke Wahoo's leg" or "Dusty sucks eggs." Then, the WWF got a hold of the idea and made garish shit in the vein of those old Tweety Bird shirts that are still fashionable in pockets of the country today. That was a tradition that seemed to peak with the Affliction knock-off cotton-poly blended vomit that became Randy Orton's shirt of the week. Thankfully, CM Punk's merchandise started to ring in more of a minimalist design, and lo and behold, a woman who works for WWE has FINALLY gotten a downright awesome t-shirt out of it. That's a lot of set-up for AJ Lee's shirt, but I think it deserves the hype. I would wear it. Well, not the one she's modeling right now. It's probably too small, and I don't like my sleeves all cut up. But next time I find myself in a position to get a WWE shirt, I think it might be that one. So there's that.