Saturday, June 1, 2013

Joshis Always Be Innovatin'

.gif via Nerd for Hire Tumblr

If you see a cool move that was "invented" after 1995, odds are, it was created by a woman wrestler in Japan. The joshi scene has always been innovative, and they continue that trend today. I am not sure who the two performers in there are, but that's a neat counter variation into a German-style suplex. With the leg crossed over the lap, it looks like the kind of restraint you find in a car. So, I suggest we call it the Seatbelt Suplex. What do you think? Either way, it's exhibit #984389712857 in the case for naming the joshi scene as perhaps the most influential in wrestling history.

ETA: Thanks to the Dirty Dirty Sheets Twitter, Natsuki*Taiyo is the one delivering the suplex, and Tsukasa Fujimoto, of Ice Ribbon and Chikara fame, is the one taking it.