Monday, July 22, 2013

Hey, the Diamondbacks Have a Luchador Mascot Now

Photo via With Leather

GRATUITOUS JOKE #1: Home plate collisions will now be done hurricanrana style.

GRATUITOUS JOKE #2: So THAT'S where Hunico went!

GRATUITOUS JOKE #3: It's all fun and games until the Colorado Rockies introduce their new Kevin Nash-cot.

Now that the jokes are out of the way, I think that it's pretty neat that a baseball team has adopted a luchador as a mascot in a contextual vacuum. But much like Brandon noted at With Leather, the state of Arizona has a governmental policy that Zeb Colter would be proud of. So yeah. But I will totally approve if this starts off a trend of baseball mascots adopting wrestling themed personae. I mean, who wouldn't want the Phillie Phanatic donning a singlet and giving the World's Strongest Slam to Tommy Lasorda?