Monday, July 29, 2013

If Ya Smellelelellelelelleah What the Arena Football League's Utah Blaze... Is Cookin'

The one thing more exciting than watching a kick return for a touchdown (even in Arena Football, where the field is half as long as it is in college/National Football League) is watching a big fat dude do the People's Elbow to the returner as a touchdown celebration. LaVaughn Macon of the Utah Blaze took this kick to the house, and then offensive lineman Shannon Tevaga laid the smack down on him afterwards with the signature taunt-move of part-time wrestler, full-time movie star, and sentient mass of muscle The Rock. I don't care how many flags the refs threw on the play. That celebration was worth the penalization for excess.

h/t Deadspin, Dorian Jackson, and @JazzGameNight