Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Your Midweek Links: The Zimmerman Verdict and More

Granting interviews to With Leather? THAT'S WHAT HE DO
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It's hump day, so here are some links to get you through the rest of the week:

Wrestling Links:

- The Wrestling Podcast, Episode 106: Bryce Remsburg VIII [The Magical Mystery WrestleMania Revenge Tour]

- The Quarterly Report: Wrestling Matches [Fighting Crime in the Streets Together]

- A Redditor has been leaking WWE results for months [Deadspin]

- The With Leather Interview: Mark Henry [With Leather]

- Sexy Wrestler of the Month, July 2013 [Wrestling on Earth]

- The Mandible Claw Minicast, Beyond Wrestling Edition: Anthony Stone [The Mandible Claw]

- Bang for Your Buck PPV Review: Money in the Bank [Juice Make Sugar]

- The Best and Worst of Money in the Bank 2013 [With Leather]

- VWAA and Wrestling Is Heart May doubleshot photoset [Dirty Dirty Sheets]

- The Heart Is Raw, July 15th [International Object]

- The Best and Worst of RAW, July 15th: We are never ever ever getting back together [With Leather]

- 4 on 4 Wrestlers: TJP, Corbin, Marseglia, FWE Jackson [Wrestling on Earth]

- ROH Night of Hoopla and Reclamation photoset [Dirty Dirty Sheets]

- Steve Austin vs. CM Punk is not the right WrestleMania XXX match [Camel Clutch Blog]

Non-Wrestling Links:

- On Trayvon Martin, George Zimmerman, and what it feels like to be hopeless in America [The Smoking Section]

- Trayvon [David Simon]

- The Zimmerman verdict isn't about 'Stand Your Ground' [Prospect]

- The Zimmerman verdict: Be careful what you wish for [Popehat]

- Persistent Tweeter ends Juror B37's book deal [UPROXX]

- Jay-Z is smashing the good ol' boy establishment in music and sports [The Guardian]

- Drunk, racist Goldman-Sachs employee knocked out by black man he spewed the n-word at [UPROXX]

- Stop lecturing college age women about their love lives [Flavorwire]

- Wily woman lures men into marriage with cake [Jezebel]

- My favorite and least favorite Phillies games (by me!) [The Good Phight Fanposts]

- Brandon McCarthy doesn't take kindly to Mitch Williams' stupidity [Deadspin]

- Figuring out the Inside-the-Park Home Run Derby [Baseball Nation]

- Never-been All-Stars: The greatest players never to be named to an All-Star team [CBS Sports]

- FJM Style: Rick Reilly on Chris Davis [The Good Phight]

- The Pizza Belt: The most important theory in pizza you'll ever read [Gawker]

- Deep-fried spaghetti and meatballs [Dude Foods]

- This Week in F**k You: Jaws' QB List [Kissing Suzy Kolber]

- Which 2012 losing NFL teams are poised to make the playoffs this year? [Grantland]

- SEC Media Days: The questions that won't be asked but should [SB Nation]

- Hypocrite Mark May scolds Johnny Manziel on Twitter [Good Bull Hunting]

- America is ruining Johnny Football [Deadspin]

- The NCAA Football 2014 Mega-sim: Simulating the 2013 season 10 times over [SB Nation]

- SyFy Original Movies: Sarknado [Every Day Should Be Saturday]

- The world will quake with fear: the 20 best SyFy original movie titles [Warming Glow]

- How do you top Sharknado? I have some ideas! [Jezebel]

- "I was killed by a shark in Sharknado. This is my story." [Warming Glow]

- In memoriam: How to respectfully deal with a cast member's death on a TV show [Pajiba]

- 48 perfect world Emmy nominations [Warming Glow]

- Don Cherry vs. Ilya Kovalchuk: "If you don't have any honor, it's a good deal." [Puck Daddy]

- The 8 most recognizable guitar riffs from the 2000s [UPROXX]

- An anthology of things I know about Stevie Nicks [Et Tu, Mr. Destructo?]