Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Your Midweek Links: PIZZA FIGHT!

Celebratin' in Iowa City
Photo Credit: 
It's hump day, so here are some links to get you through the rest of the week:

Wrestling Links:

- The Wrestling Podcast, Episode 121: Bryce Remsburg [Sgt. Slaughter's Lonely Boot Camp Band (Reprise)]

- The quarterly report: Wrestling matches [Fighting Crime in the Streets Together]

- Dr. Cube, Sinn Bodhi, and Wrestling Is [¡Olé! Wrestling]

- SHIMMER Vol. 59 gallery [Dirty Dirty Sheets]

- The Squared Circle: Life, Death, and Professional Wrestling, a review [Sad Salvation]

- What is wrestling history? What does it matter? [suviprantsatus]

- The Best and Worst of RAW, 11/18: Jeff Jarrett Is on This One, Kind of [With Leather]

- Former Hawkeye Big E Langston wins the Intercontinental Championship [Black Heart, Gold Pants]

- Andy's Angry: WWE RyBotched Ryback [Juice Make Sugar]

- The history of the WWF in one beautifully obssessive poster [Deadspin]

- Photo: Man gets Wu-Tang Clan/Ric Flair tattoo [Black Sports Online]

Non-Wrestling Links:

- Batkid Day in San Francisco: A photo gallery [Film Drunk]

- We're all doomed now that corgis have figured out slides [Jezebel]

- Bear in a Lamborghini shuts down LA traffic [Jalopnik]

- Jon Stewart rips Chicago pizza a new saucehole [Foodspin]

- Rahm Emanuel responds to Daily Show pizza wars [Warming Glow]

- The Food Power Poll: Sandwiches [Holzerman Hungers]

- Foodball: Sweet ancho chile roasted cashews [Kissing Suzy Kolber]

- 8 things we learned about Denny's Hobbit menu [Film Drunk]

- The taco cleanse is the only cleanse you'll ever need [Jezebel]

- About a man's game [SB Nation]

- Examining truth and Twitter [ProThirtyOne]

- Redskins more than just a name [Albany Tribune]

- UCF receiver JJ Worton makes one of the best catches of the year against Temple [Campus Union]

- Temperature time: Which NFL coaches are on the hot seat? [Grantland]

- 10 things to never say to a grieving parent [Mommyish]

- WalMart is concern trolling America over health care [Gawker]

- Golden State Warriors defeat Oklahoma City Thunder in the game of our dreams [Hardwood Paroxysm]

- 10 great TV shows screwed over by their networks [Warming Glow]

- The apathy of Trout vs. Cabrera in the MVP race [Baseball Nation]

- Chart: which cities' voters are the biggest MVP homers? [Regressing]

- Toplist results: The top 15 Generation III Pokemon [Dorkly]

- More questions than answers [Sports on Earth]

- Awful things we're now considering nerd behavior [Cracked]

- 10 things you didn't know about Calvin and Hobbes [Flavorwire]

- 9 obscure Batman villains ready for the spotlight [Gamma Squad]

- 13 of the best fictional bird monsters [Topless Robot]

- See what Elvis, Jimi Hendrix, and Kurt Cobain would look like today [UPROXX]