Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Joey Janela Got Into Another Fight at a Blink-182 Concert, Only Less Embarrassing

Janela and Blink-182, at it again!
Photo Credit: Scott Finkelstein
Worked shoots suck. Blurring the line between real and fake in wrestling by going to the "real life" well just muddles the narrative and only impresses dickheads who still think pulling back the curtain while the cameras are rolling is cool for some reason. However, that doesn't necessarily mean all ports of real life incidents into kayfabe are bad. For example, remember when Joey Janela approached Enzo Amore at the Blink-182 concert in North Jersey, and the worst non-fight of the year erupted? Yeah, well, All Elite Wrestling decided it was going to use that as grease for the machine of building its card for All Out. Thankfully, nZo wasn't involved, but Janela was:

The best part about this was Blink-182's Mark Hoppus at the tail end exasperatedly noting Janela getting into it at one of his concerts again. The second best part was SURPRISE DARBY ALLIN leaping into the fray with Janela and Jimmy Havoc. Leaning into that incident is the smartest thing AEW has done in regards to building All Out so far, and it's not even close. I don't know if they should be leaning into everything that happens notably in real life, because I'm not sure the people in charge are entirely with it. That being said, this is a good way to set up a match.