Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Claudio Castagnoli Is Full of Awesome and Win

If the reports are true and Bryan Danielson going to the WWE is only the first in a more extensive talent raid by the 'E of ROH, then they'd be stupid not to take Double C, the Very European Superstar, Claudio Castagnoli with one of their next moves. He's a great wrestler, but that part can only get you so far in being noticed by Vince and his fellows at Titan Towers. What should get him a job with the company, though, is his charisma and mic ability. Just watch this excerpt from the latest ROH Video Wire:

Yes, there is a verbal flub in there, but this guy's material and delivery are golden. The best is when he tells Tyler Black to go back to Iowa and cut himself. Teehee. I can say, I have a budding mancrush going here.