Monday, January 18, 2010

Hulk Hogan Just Does Not Get It

From Wrestling, Inc., which got it from the Site That Shall Not Be Linked

Thanks to PTC poster James Varga for finding this nugget.

This is rich. Check out this news item:
Before tonight's TNA iMPACT tapings began in Orlando, members of the TNA staff addressed the crowd at the iMPACT Zone about their behavior.

Fans were told not to curse, make obscene gestures or gang signs. The fans were referred to as "cast members" and were basically told they needed to be quiet, according to a fan in attendance.

This is likely another decision made by Hulk Hogan and Eric Bischoff, who haven't been pleased with some of the reactions from the TNA crowd lately.
I can understand the no cursing policy. I can understand the gestures. But being told to be quiet? Holy Christ, can we just admit that this is a failed experiment, wrap up and go home for the day? I mean seriously Hulk, if you learned what you know about promoting from Vince McMahon, then he didn't teach you much, because you don't tell the crowd to be quiet.

If the mutants in Orlando are that much of a problem, take Impact on the road and charge money for the gate. It's that simple. Your crowds will improve in no time.