Friday, August 9, 2013

HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT: #AskDixie the Most Passive-Aggressive but Nice-Sounding Questions You Can

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The #AskDixie hashtag became infamous in such a short time because of how many disgruntled fans or ex-fans of TNA hopped on it to vent their frustrations at best or use it as an excuse to let loose their disgusting misogyny on a seemingly deserving target at worst. Hint: no one deserves to be ridiculed with misogyny, and you can criticize someone's piss-poor work or administration without delving into personal attack. Anyway, Carter answered some questions in "Ask Dixie" segments on the TNA website for the last two weeks, and as you can expect, every single question she answered was a softball.

So, here's what I want you to do. Since she's not fielding questions from "the haters," and since she obviously lumps everyone in with the gross dorks who want to use the hashtag as a sounding board for their repressed woman-hating issues, I want you to try and get a biting, cutting question you can past the filter, something that may involve a bit of deftness. Try using flowery language, or preface it with effusive praise before asking your question. I find that passive-aggression works the best.

This assignment is not a contest. You don't get anything but my lasting admiration if you do get one by the goalie. However, if we can harass TNA into getting some real answers to issues that they have, then I consider it a win. LET'S DO THIS.