Monday, August 4, 2014

Wrestling's Best-Worst Feud Has Ended

OH SH...
Via @MattJackson13

Way back in the Eldritch times of 2011, the Young Bucks, Southern California's premiere wrestlers and best tag team in the country, received a WWE tryout fresh off their release from TNA. However, Rob van Dam had a stick up his ass about them not shaking hands back when he was collecting a paycheck from Dixieland, and sent word to his buddies in WWE, Booker T included, that these punks were not to be trusted when respecting their elders.

The ensuing fracas spilled over into Twitter, where Matt, Nick, and even MALACHI Jackson (remember him?) engaged in social media warfare, and salty B-list veterans like Shane Helms started posting passive-aggressive blogs about how these young dudes need to start respecting their elders. Everyone had a laugh, and by laugh, I mean a frothy groan and attachment of everyone's heads to an industrial oscillator to SMH at 100,000 kHz.

After the fracas died down, the incident became a running joke that the Bucks used for great comedic effect on shows everywhere. The dream of the Bucks in WWE seemed to die, and they went out and became maybe the best team in the world. They won every tag title worth a damn in the country outside of SHIMMER's, and they became draws wherever they went. But then the latest Northeast Wrestling show came about, and the Bucks were flown in to battle the Hardy Boyz in a dream match.

Booker T just happened to be backstage at the same show.

The above photo-op is proof that no beef is too rotten in pro wrestling to salvage, no bridge too burnt to reconstruct. The comedic value of the pose and the hatchet burial would be enough for me, but the accompanying message on Matt Jackson's tweet also added fuel to the fire started by Nick's series of tweets with cryptic messages about moving onto different pastures. The Bucks are still young enough to be attractive to WWE, which has mined the Pro Wrestling Guerrilla vein pretty hard lately. They're also smart-alecky enough that this series of tweets could all just be one elaborate troll job meant to get the fans and the sheetz all riled up. Who knows. I'm just glad that Cold War is over. All the picture needed, however, was brother Malachi in there.