Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Bad Idea Tights (I.E. I Rip Off a Classic SNL Skit for Wrestling Parody)

LOOK AT THE TATTOO!!For old farts like me, Saturday Night Live was a lot funnier back in the day. My personal favorite was the Will Ferrell-dominated cast of the early-'00s, but many people love the early-'90s cast featuring David Spade, Mike Myers, Adam Sandler and the late, great Phil Hartman was tops. It's hard to argue with that. One of the classic faux-commercials that particular cast did was entitled "Bad Idea Jeans". Take a look:

It got me to thinking, well, pro wrestling is full of guys with bad ideas that somehow make it into fruition. Therefore, I present to you, Bad Idea Tights, like Bad Idea Jeans, only in spandex form for wrestlers to wear in the ring, and in some cases out of it (since, y'know, pro wrestlers don't always have the best fashion sense):

"Hey, you wanna go down to Thirsty Thursday at Joe's Bar? You, me and Scott Hall!"

"Kurt, you should totally challenge Brock Lesnar to a shootfight, man. You could totally take him."

"Hey baby, how do you spell your name again? I gotta know because I'm gettin' it tattooed on my throat."

"I know he's married to the boss' daughter and he's like, the most respected guy in the locker room, but I think I can totally make him respect me by shooting on him."

"I was thinking how I could get myself over as a babyface, and then it hit me! Gay hairdresser! KILLER!"

"So he came to my door and I just told him, 'Have my daugther back here by 11, Mr. Snuka,' but I probably didn't need to. I totally trust him."

"So I thought, what would boost ratings more than putting my World Title on Skeet Ulrich?"

"So they asked me to paint a penis on my face, and I was like, fuck yeah baby, awesome!"

"Four words that will revolutionize this business. You ready? 'Steve Austin heel turn'. I AM A FUCKING GENIUS! AHAHAHAHAH!"

Feel free to add more in the comments.

Remember you can contact TH and ask him questions about wrestling, life or anything else. Please refer to this post for contact information. He always takes questions!