Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Wrestlespective's 8/25 Power Poll: Sans My Ballot *sad trombone*

CenaWelcome to another edition of the Wrestlespective Power Poll. I know I didn't get time to post this last week when I did submit a ballot, but I didn't want to feel like a complete jerk two weeks in a row and snubbing the awesomely awesome poll completely. This poll is voted on by a who's who of wrestling bloggers, including my blogging Mirko Bro Cop, PizzaBodySlam. Instead of commenting on my ballot (since I didn't get time to submit one this week), I'm going to comment on the top 10 itself as voted by the bloggerati out there:

1. John Cena (Last week: 1) - Last week, I left Cena off my ballot as a protest. This week... well I still wouldn't have ranked him this high at all although he would have made an appearance. Not sure what he did other than get a non-descript DQ loss to The Miz. He didn't really cut a memorable promo, nor did he look all that special in the ring. I dunno, maybe people are excited for Legendary?

2. Randy Orton (3) - A solid choice. Orton was the last one standing as RAW went off the air, and he did his best to make John Morrison look like more than a sloppy pile of dog feces. A bit high for my tastes, but then again, I didn't see Smackdown, Impact, NXT or LLUSA this past week so I don't know who'd I'd have voted ahead of him other than the guy at #5 or maybe DANIEL BRYAN???

3. Sheamus (6) - Okay, I lied. I would have voted for Sheamus over both of the two above. He was clearly the co-best guy on RAW along with #5. Awesome promo to start the show, and I loved his interaction with Zack Ryder at the end.

4. Kane (2) - Kane is still... on fire. Haha, pun intended. I didn't see Smackdown, but I can understand his placement more than, say, Cena's.

5. The Miz (5) - Still awesome. The dude has been on fire with his mic work for the last year, and Monday night was no exception. I really hope that win or lose, Alex Riley gets paired with him because he makes a perfect second for Miz, and that act would be money all the way to the top of the card.

6. Chris Jericho (NR) - He's right about where he needs to be. He had a surprisingly good match with Khali, part of which is credited to Jericho knowing what needed to be done and Khali knowing how to do the best with his limited mobility.

7. Alberto del Rio (NR) - Not surprising here, as I've heard a lot about his debut. A refreshing contrast to the last guy to debut on Smackdown after a series of vignettes hyping him only to fail miserably (looking at you, Kizarny).

8. Edge (NR) - Meh, he was there and really wasn't all that memorable. I might have left him off my ballot completely.

9. Kurt Angle (NR) - So, is there a clause that voters abide by that makes them pick at least one TNA guy a week, no matter how badly the product sucks? Yeah, I didn't watch, but Angle is probably involved in one of the least interesting storylines of all-time due to how predictable it's going to end, and really from my recollection, hasn't worked a great free TV match since... well I can't remember (1/4 against AJ Styles wasn't great, folks).

10. Wade Barrett (8) - Like Edge, he was just there and not all that memorable except to take a beatdown from the rest of his opponents at Night of Champions. I like Barrett, but this week was an off week.

Next week, I'll attempt to submit a ballot and have watched enough wrestling for it to be informed!

Remember you can contact TH and ask him questions about wrestling, life or anything else. Please refer to this post for contact information. He always takes questions!