Friday, December 17, 2010

Follow Friday: SHIMMER Women Athletes

Photo Credit: Online World of Wrestling
Time to bring some gender equity to Follow Friday. Women's wrestling is grabbing more and more a foothold in the States, and SHIMMER Women Athletes is leading the charge. Although they produce only eight DVDs a year, each DVD is jam-packed with great wrestling action featuring the best and brightest women grapplers that you can find in these United States and Canada (and even with imports from Australia and Japan!)

Not only can you find the gals on DVD and on the Web, but they have a Twitter feed as well, which is good at getting out news and hype for the fed as well as retweeting stuff that promotes them or women's wrestling in general. They've retweeted me a couple of times, which is really cool, but I wouldn't write or tweet about them if I didn't think that what they do out in Berwyn was just the coolest.

They've also got a bunch of their talent on Twitter as well, including Kellie Skater, Portia Perez, Nicole Matthews and of course, maybe my favorite woman wrestler on the planet right now, Sara del Rey. Head honcho Dave Prazak is on there too. Give 'em all a follow if it suits you, but at the very least, follow the main SHIMMER feed and help support indie wrestling and women's wrestling!

Remember you can contact TH and ask him questions about wrestling, life or anything else. Please refer to this post for contact information. He always takes questions!