Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Wrestling Six Packs: Quirky Theme Trios

Just add Mike Knox and... instant trio!
Chikara's King of Trios is a few days in the books now, but I think I want to dedicate one more Six Pack to it. While most of the trios in the tournament are either natives to the fed or are "dream" or sensible stables, they have had some good, funny theme stables. Here are six theme trios from the past that would have been pretty nice, or if they're all still alive or active, WOULD still be nice.

1. Team Beard - Mike Knox, Brodie Lee and Grizzly Redwood

This is pretty much low-hanging fruit, because it's a stable that might have been able to have happened this year, since Knox is a free agent. But yeah, they could totally build spots around beards. Maybe they could take turns choking guys with their facial hair, or put their beards on the line as part of an epic trios lucha de apuesta. Although they'd totally have to win and go against a team of Villanos whose masks really aren't that important to preserve the lustrousness of their beards.

2. The Dog Pound - Rick Steiner, Junkyard Dog and Davey Boy Smith

Another obvious choice, although one that sadly can't be replicated due to JYD and the Bulldog being dead. Still, the entrance alone for this trio would be epic. Davey Boy could walk the two other guys to the ring on leashes, as well as his beloved Matilda. Of course, JYD would probably be loosed of his chain after he got to the ring, but my guess is Steiner plays the dog gimmick the rest of the match. Because he's legitimately insane, you see.

3. The Seder Raiders - Goldberg, Colt Cabana and Barry Horowitz

Of course, Horowitz would take the fall for this team. Because he's a jobber, you see. Anyway, the premise behind this trio would be way more awesome than the execution, because I'm not sure there's a way to play up the Judaism here without having the Anti-Defamation League all over your ass. Still, it's a nice common thread and would set up a pretty sweet bionic elbow/spear spot with Goldberg and Cabana. Y'know, before Horowitz gets pinned.

4. "Why Are You Chanting USA? I'M AMERICAN!" - Nikita Koloff, Fritz Von Erich and Gorilla Monsoon

Only in wrestling do you have guys blatantly pretending to be from other countries despite being as American as apple pie, the bald eagle and tax evasion. To play up the maximum lulz, they'd have to draw "USA! USA!" chants so they could protest them during the match. Or would that be too self-referential and insider? Eh, I'm not sure I really give a crap.

5. Ro-sham-bo! - The Rock, Paul Ellering and Sid Vicious

Rock, Paper (Ellering always had a newspaper with him) and Scissors... yeah, it's a bit of a low blow.

6. Team Trust Fund - David Flair, Kendall Windham and Greg Gagne

These guys are all epitomes of sons who failed their fathers. Why not play it up, being the total ne'er do well legacy cases. For maximum lulz, you could have them pull their cell phones out mid-match to beg their fathers to come out and run in on their behalves.

Photo Credit: Scott Finkelstein - Please visit his site to view the plentiful amounts of pictures he's taken for DGUSA, ROH and other indie feds: Get Lost Photography

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