Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Johnny Gargano Wrestled on Dead Legs Saturday

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Pictured: A man whose giant balls make every pair of pants he wears tight as shit

The big question after EVOLVE 10's nominal main event was whether Johnny Gargano had suffered a legitimate injury. At first, I thought he was just selling, but some people suspected he might have been hurt. After the event, Gabe Sapolsky confirmed via Twitter that Gargano had gone to the hospital, and other people had started hearing rumblings that the Whole Shebang had suffered a major injury. Rather than letting the rumors fester, Gargano came out and addressed them head on his Facebook page, clipped for her pleasure:
On January 1st I wrestled a show in WV.. I sorta tweaked my back/pelvis in that match.. It hurt.. but I figured it'd be alright. It nagged at me for a bit, but I figured it was something I could work through. No big deal.
On Saturday.. I don't know.. something just felt weird. My whole body was cramping up. I drank a ton of water, and thought I was just dehydrated. My lower back/abdomen started to swell. Every time I'd stretch or bend forward, a sharp twinge would go down both my legs...

...I don't remember much of the match, honestly. I remember that within the first 2 minutes, my legs stopped working. I couldn't feel them. Just walking became a chore. I couldn't raise my legs, or even bend down. The pain was indescribable.. but I knew I couldn't stop. We went 25 more minutes.. and I took A LOT of stupid bumps. Was that a dumb decision? Maybe.. but it's not in my DNA to just give up. The match had a lot of hype, and being put in that spot meant the world to me. My mind was willing, but my body just wasn't capable, sadly.

As soon as the match ended, and the bit of adrenaline I had wore off.. All of my strength was gone. No more walking, no more moving.. just pain. They told me to stay in the ring and wait for medical attention and I remember saying "No! Get me out, there's one more segment. The shows not over, get me out so they can do it". They carried me to the back, and as soon as I went through the curtain, I collapsed...

...The ambulance came and took me to the hospital (first time I'd ever been in an ambulance, by the way). They put an IV in me (another first).. and filled me up with pain meds, etc. This is where I start to get groggy. Gabe stopped by, but I was already unconscious. They gave me a CAT scan which turned out okay. I randomly started throwing up...

... I can't tell you how much pain I was actually in during that flight. They then met me with another wheelchair, and wheeled me out front where my Dad picked me up and took me home. Where I've been in my bed for 2 days.. and looks to be the case for a while longer. I'm going to make an appointment with a specialist to try to get this sorted out, and see what it is. I'm still in a ton of pain, and walking is still very difficult.
Again, that's just a clipped version of the message. Click the link to read the whole thing, which includes some thank yous to fans for sending him warm wishes and get well vibes. He also apologizes for his performance, but really what the shit does he have to apologize to us for? He went out and performed despite having two dead legs.

If anything, he should have invited all the mutants who were booing EVERYTHING he and Ricochet were doing to suck his balls. The whole trope of being tough and being a warrior might be a bit overstated, and as a human being, I might have been happier had Gargano not gutted it out and thought about his own health. That being said, he went out there to give the people their money's worth despite his own personal setbacks. Isn't that what these fucking mutants cheered the ECW guys for pretending to do? Seriously, what Gargano did Saturday was way more extreme than one old man jabbing a screwdriver into the head of another old man. Seriously, the more I read about what EVOLVE 10 and the fallout, the more I get pissed, whether it's Gabe retweeting every mixed reaction to prove a point he stole from Eric Bischoff or whether it's more people reacting to the mutants shitting on everything. Seriously, and I blame myself on this too, where were we on Saturday? Why didn't we rise up and overtake these motherfuckers who made it their lot that evening to confirm that they didn't care about wrestling, but only cared about nostalgia? Ugh.

Photo Credit: Scott Finkelstein - Please visit his site to view the plentiful amounts of pictures he's taken for DGUSA, ROH and other indie feds: Get Lost Photography