Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Big Aristotle to Miss WrestleMania

Photo Credit: IMDB

Shaquille O'Neal will not have a match at this year's WrestleMania, WWE announced on their website. While he claimed he would appear, I guess the two sides couldn't agree to terms. What implications does this have? Well, Big Show will move on from his pseudo-traditional celebrity attraction match into a regular match. The way the last couple of days have gone in WWE programming, that opponent looks to be Cody Rhodes.

As a fan, I'm kinda bummed about this development. I was looking forward to a couple of weeks of deadpan quips from Big Aristotle, and Big Show totally would've had fun with it. Yeah, the Rhodes/Show (ha!) match will probably be better from a technical standpoint, but sometimes, the spectacle is where it's at.