Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Your Midweek Links: Misogyny, Ugh

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It's hump day, so here are some links to get you through the rest of the week.


- My first ever wrestler on The Wrestling Podcast is Joe "Joey Pink" Drilling, who discusses his days as a wrestler and "looking strong". [Episode 41: Wages of Sin Cara]

- I was also on Jason Mann's podcast to talk about DDP vs. Goldberg from WCW Halloween Havoc 1998. [Wrestlespective Radio]

- My latest for the Camel Clutch Blog, on Michael Cole and his lack of worth [WWE Realizes Michael Cole Sucks, So Why Is He Still on Commentary?]

- My latest for Fair to Flair is waxing nostalgic for ECW, but not that ECW [I Miss (WW)ECW)

- On Holzerman Hungers, I detail my trip to one of them fancy steakhouses. [Morton's Steakhouse]

Wrestling Links:

- KSP looks at his month of not listening to wrestling commentary and describes how liberating it was. [Fair to Flair]

- Tom Breihan on the latest ROH TV tapings, and why he left early [The Classical]

- Razor argues that it's time to end the brand split. [Kick-Out!! Wrestling]

WWE, Eve, John Cena and Misogyny

- Sergio Hernandez, Cageside Seats

- Razor, Kick-Out!! Wrestling

- Brandon Stroud, With Leather (Best and Worst, Page 2 has the passage about the Eve segment)

- Lee Burton, Ring Belles

- K Sawyer Paul, International Object

Non-Wrestling Links:

- Kate Upton bouncing around has a supercut. Score one for us chauvinistic pigs everywhere! [Film Drunk]

- 13 mind-blowing things about your childhood [Buzz Feed]

- Potential first time guests who'd make SNL less stagnant [Warming Glow]

- Brandon Stroud remembers Gary Carter [With Leather]

- Solar tornadoes bigger than the Earth itself? HOLY POOP. [Youtube]

- Brady Quinn, kind of a loudmouth dumbass. [The Go Route]

- The Academy is out of touch because most of its electorate consists of old white dudes. Yeah, sounds about right. [Pajiba]