Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Look at the Britches on ROH

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#DemBoys looking to leave the roost and head to the big time, but the roost ain't lettin' em go
Photo Credit: Scott Finkelstein
Via PW Torch

Sean Radican of the Torch is reporting from several sources that WWE tried to sign Adam Cole and the Briscoe Brothers to developmental deals today, but they were blocked by ROH's enforcement of their existing contracts. This is interesting from a few angles. One, WWE is still scouring the indies for talent, which is a good thing. There have been rumors that they've got a bunch of DGUSA guys on their radar, and another rumor saying that Gabe Sapolsky will willingly let them out of their contracts to go (I wonder if that has anything to do with the fact that Gabe's track record for taking fliers on new guys from different areas informing his confidence to replace them...). The choice of wrestlers here also says that they have good taste, as Cole and the Briscoes both bring to the table the tools that is required for them to succeed.

Secondly, it shows to me that ROH doesn't see itself as a farm system. In reality, we know that they're not a major competitor to WWE, but the fact that they act like it shows great moxie to me. I respect the hell out of that. Even if I'd rather see the Briscoes try to reinvigorate the WWE tag division and see what Cole can do with some FCW polish, the fact that ROH values them enough to keep them there and enforce the contracts they sign to me is awesome in and of itself. I'll be keeping my eye on this situation, because I doubt it's over, but yeah, ROH man, don't mess with them.