Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Well, I Still Think The Miz Is Awesome

I still like The Miz, even if I am the only one
Photo Credit:
Miz seems to be in a lot of doghouses lately. If one believes the tenuous reporting of backstage gossip, he's had every arrow thrust at him from being blamed for the low Survivor Series buy rate to getting his ass reamed out by Triple H over failing to catch R-Truth. He also seemed to have called down the thunder of every ex-WWE wrestler on Twitter for not catching Truth. Fans jumped on his back for that transgression as well, although to be fair, Miz has had a long history of people detracting on him, even when he wasn't screwing things up so overtly.

Yes, no one seems to like The Miz lately except for, well, me. I have to admit, nothing that he's done or even more dubiously enough has been accused of doing backstage has made me back off my fandom for him. There was that weird period between WrestleMania and the formation of the Awesome Truth where I wasn't enjoying him as much, but hey, I think he deserves some slack for that. He got concussed at WrestleMania, had an utterly boring program continue with Cena and then had the lead weight known as Alex Riley strapped to him for a couple of months as a feuding partner.

When the fog in his head finally cleared up (and yes, I realize he should've gone to management and asked for time off after dropping the title, but what's done is done, I suppose), he started being awesome again. He found a character that suited him, implemented it in the ring and on the stick, and bam, along with unlikely ally R-Truth, he was reinvigorated. He found his edge again. That trend has continued until right now.

Even if he's being "de-pushed" (KSP actually makes an argument that being "de-pushed" in the modern WWE is an inevitability for most wrestlers), he's still firing on all cylinders. His pre-match promo was okay (he's had better even in the last six months), but the match itself with John Cena was incredible. Yeah, the short DDT was a lot on Cena overselling it like he was Shawn Michaels, but Miz didn't play around. Yeah, Miz lost clean, but really, who the fuck cares if it was a good match? Shouldn't we want clean finishes, especially when one guy has big plans for WrestleMania and the other, right now, doesn't?

Regardless of what anyone says, I still think Miz has it as a performer for me. He's still awesome. Yeah, missing Truth on that dive was bad. And yeah, I honestly know that Miz is not everyone's cup of tea. Regardless, I still look forward to his presence on the show, whether he's got something to do or not.