Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Your Midweek Links: $µ¢k My Bå||$

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Luv u, Death Rey
Photo Credit: Scott Finkelstein
It's hump day, so here are some links to get you through the rest of the week:


- Eric Gargiulo makes his long-awaited podcast return to talk about WrestleMania and the indies [Episode 45: Adam Bomb Mother]

- This month's Outside the Squared Circle features not one, but TWO guests talking about the upcoming baseball season [Episode 5: Playing Hardball]

- DDS' Wrestlers We Loved of 2011, featuring a loving write-up about Sara del Rey from Yours Truly [Dirty Dirty Sheets]

- First of two Camel Clutch Blog posts from last week, first calling out WWE on their dreadfully fast storytelling pace [The Not So Awesome Truth about WWE's Storytelling Pace]

- ...and the second about The Rock and WWE not knowing that nerds spend money, and that they should want them to spend money on wrestling [The Rock Needs to Know That the Nerd Is the Word]

- My latest for Fair to Flair, all about hoping Madison Eagles makes a complete and thorough recovery so she can come back and kick ass [I'm Rooting for Madison Eagles]

- My SHIMMER preview for Cageside Seats may be out of date for those who went live, but for those who are planning on getting the DVDs and want something spoiler free to read? IT'S NEW TO THEM! [The Indie Corner: Happy SHIMMER Weekend, Everyone]

- IMPORTANT! Read my take on where Jericho/Punk should go from WrestleMania through Summer Slam [Fantasy Booking Alert: How I'd Take Jericho/Punk to Summer Slam]

Wrestling Links:

- Anyone who doesn't read Best and Worst this week is a fµ¢k¡ng a$§hø|3 [With Leather]

- Tom Breihan takes a look at the build to WrestleMania, including an impassioned look at the WWE Championship Match [The Classical]

- Just when you think Ultimate Warrior wasn't inspiring anymore... [Feminine Smark]

- A defense of the female fan by a female fan... must read [Fair to Flair]

- A semi-rebuttal, on why one might feel like a "bad" [insert gender/sexuality here] fan [International Object]

- Sheamus on Twitter, being an AV nerd and other things [Gizmodo Australia]

- Wrestling moves that would literally kill a man [It's Raining Meng]

- Amazing photography of midget wrestling [Buzz Feed]

Non-Wrestling Links:

- What does the word "classy" even mean? Josh Zerkle investigates, peeling away at Peyton Manning's "good guy" act [The Go Route]

- Why Ryan Fitzpatrick may not have been the Interception King of 2011, thanks to advanced football stats [Football Outsiders]

- A look at some notable NFL free agents... [The Onion]

- Dan Shanoff on why Tim Tebow would be a perfect fit for the Redskins [Washington Post]

- MEME WATCH! Old pissed off guy liked things better when he was young [UPROXX]

- T-Rex's revenge [Imgur Gallery]

- 6 comic stories where happy-go-lucky heroes go darker than Batman off his Lexapro [Topless Robot]

- Michael Baumann writes about resisting the DH in the National League [Crashburn Alley]

- Things you'll only see at the International Pizza Expo, aka, the happiest place on Earth (screw you, Estate of Walt) [Buzz Feed]

- Spencer Hall on why you'll get the playoff you'll deserve, college football fans [SB Nation]

- The most famous alien abductions in history [The FW]