Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Your Midweek Links: WRESTLING~! Links

The lesser of two douches?
Photo Credit:
It's hump day, so here are some links to get you through the rest of the week:


- Last week's podcast is me and Jason Mann rapping about his self-imposed hiatus from WWE and how it's NOT a hiatus from wrestling [Episode 57: In on the Under Taker]

- This week's podcast has Patrick Vint and myself discussing Triple H as a douchebag as well as college football Death Stars [Episode 58: Ziggy Goldust]

Wrestling Links:

- David Shoemaker takes a look at how Cena and Big Show fit in the Reality Era [Grantland]

- A look at WSU's Uncensored Rumble [Ring Belles]

- Remembering Sensational Sherri Martel [Wrestling Reflections]

- Cewsh and Co. take a look at Slammiversary [Cewsh Reviews]

- The Best and Worst of No Way Out... [With Leather]

- ...and the Best and Worst of RAW from the next night [With Leather]

- Is holding a wrestling title akin to having the Sword of Damocles dangle overhead? [Sad Salvation]

- Six ways puroresu makes American pro wrestling look like high tea [Cracked]

- A case against star ratings and other match grading systems [The Wrestling Journal]

Non-Wrestling Links:

- 18 life-changing ways to eat bacon. My favorite is obviously the bacon taco shell. [Buzz Feed]

- Eating healthy is more expensive than eating like shit? Nope, not true. [The FW]

- Some head-up-his-ass political commentator said Bryce Harper was a "conservative hero", and Charlie Pierce ripped him to shreds [Esquire]

- The Phillies as classic NES characters [Zoo with Roy]

- The five most gratifying moments in video games [Unreality Mag]

- A look at "remixing" the top 5 picks of each NBA Draft of the '90s [The Basketball Jones]

- 20 translations of what you really mean when you say stuff about politics [College Humor]

- Six bands that should've hung it up by now and when they should've done it [UPROXX]

- Marmalard says farewell to LaToeInjury [Kissing Suzy Kolber]

- Three scientific discoveries that may skip up the probability of life existing elsewhere in the Universe [Gamma Squad]

- Cosmo's 44 most ridiculous sex tips [Jezebel]

- Lance Armstrong doped, you say? Well, that makes him just like every other cyclist that ever lived. [Progressive Boink]

- 10 of the best current antiheroes in television [Warming Glow]