Friday, August 24, 2012

CM Punk Is Sick and Tired of Being Sick and Tired

More alike than they are as adversaries
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Once upon a time, Bret Hart was one of the WWF's most revered heroes. He was different than the last torchbearer, Hulk Hogan, in that he was noble, respectful and was a far better technical wrestler. This subdued character was challenged at many times during his run, both by those who were villainous in nature like Yokozuna and Jerry Lawler and also those who may have stood by Hart in a different era. Shawn Michaels was the first, although at first, their rivalry was friendly. It was more a clash of styles; Hart was the meat and potatoes, lunchpail nitty-gritty worker, while Michaels' panache, style and cockiness made him more peacock than honey badger.

It wasn't until one Steve Austin came along to flip the entire convention of what it meant to be a hero to the WWF crowds that Hart lost his proverbial shit. The Hitman was tired of being disrespected while the brash Austin's support burgeoned to the point where he was a hero in wait. The rule-abiding Hart had enough the week before he was scheduled to wrestle Austin at WrestleMania 13 and uttered words that have stuck with me for over 15 years.

"I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired."

Sunday at SummerSlam, CM Punk came out in pink and black attire, much like the color scheme of the tights of Hart himself. It caught Hart's eye, actually, which led to this exchange:

At the time, I bet Hart, as well as everyone thought that Punk was just paying homage to one of the all-time greats, or even better yet, donning the colors of a man whom many consider to be the best SummerSlam performer of all-time at the same event. The events of the next night on RAW would actually add so much subtext to the choice of clothing. When Punk demanded John Cena call him the best in the world but got a long-winded speech about earning the fans' respect, something Punk had ostensibly done, it was clear what had happened to him in the last month, culminating in Monday. All Punk wanted was respect, much in the same way that all Hart wanted was respect in the time of Austin.

CM Punk Monday night was finally sick and tired of being sick and tired.

There are a lot of other similarities too. When Punk kicked Lawler in the head, it wasn't just taking out his frustrations on a fickle minister of propaganda whose allegiances change as quickly as the weather during monsoon season in Southeast Asia. It was the new Bret Hart taking out aggressions on an old rival. Punk himself has been at a war of words with Austin for the last year or so, and again, Punk and Hart now have a common enemy.

Much in the same way that Hart was right, Punk is right. The tides are changing though. The circumstances are different. Punk isn't fighting against a wave of anarchy, he's now raging against the machine of the one percent, the old boys club that doesn't let skinny fat nerds like himself in. But still, he's sick and tired of being sick and tired.

It's more than just a nod to a legend. He's fighting a battle for respect like that legend did. Of course, we all know how that ended, ignominiously at Survivor Series that year. If the same thing happens to Punk, I will eat my hat.